Fulfilling Dreams and Aspirations

Do you look forward to a New Year as much as I do?

Imagine 365 new days to do the things you look forward to and dream of.

Every year I take stock of last year's good and not-so-good things and regularly set aside time to evaluate how things went.

It's good to plan ahead, but only a little. Life is now and not a rehearsal.

A wise person makes the most of today and doesn't worry too much about the future.

Are you stuck in a rut? Are others' expectations of you and their needs more important than your own? If so, start prioritising yourself and everything you've put on hold for a long time.

A new year with all the wonderful opportunities to engage with the people and things we love - matters more than living up to the expectations of others and their demands.

This year I'll write, spend time with loved ones and look after myself and them.

How about you? Will you continue with the same routines or try something new and different?

Perhaps a new job or living abroad? Life is full of possibilities and adventures.

When I was younger, and at university, I spent my holidays travelling and made friends all over the world. They're still a big part of my life, and we wouldn't have known each other if we hadn't met back then. Life goes on around us no matter what happens, and the saddest thing is giving up on ourselves and our dreams.

2023 will be challenging and all the things we want it to be and not.

Always remember to live YOUR best life.

Much love, Hélene

Helene Fermont