Why I Care so Much About Vulnerable People and Animals

Ever since I was very young my beloved mother instilled in me a deep need to care about people less fortunate than me. Over the years, I’ve met and cared for people and animals whose lives were destroyed by awful people and circumstances out of their control. Many times I wanted and still want to not be part of others sadness and cruel experiences but never give up on anyone if I’m able to help to an extent.

I’ve rehabilitated animals whose cruel past almost made me give up before I gave them a chance to be loved and thrive and get the best life. People frequently ask me why I didn’t give up but giving up on someone and something I care deeply about isn’t an option for me.

My pets over the years suffered unimaginable cruelty from breeders, people who neglected them and treated them like they meant nothing. My cat, Teddy, was nine months old when I bought him from a breeder who didn’t bother to conceal how much she hated him in front of me when I collected him and brought him home. It took years to socialise him as he’d not received a single hug and spent most of his life in a small box in the breeder’s garden all year round without shelter from blustery rain and storms. Even now, after almost ten years, I can hardly believe he’s so affectionate and loving except when visitors arrive in our home and he hides from them in case they’ll hurt him. Cats have long memories and don’t forget awful things.

People and animals mean so much to me. I’m fortunate to have loyal, kind and empathic friends who are there for me when I need them. People think acquaintances are friends but that’s not true. Some people I’ve known for a longer or a shorter time and it always comes down to how much we genuinely care about each other. It’s the reason I never trust someone who let me down in the past and am as loyal to them as they are to me.

When I feel sad and down with everything that goes on around me, my cat’s always there for me. Animals give unconditional love, they don’t care about the reason we’re sad or happy, only that we’re okay and there for them. People, on the other hand, don’t always understand and care why we’re not feeling well unless very special and loyal.

Rooting for animals and people who need love and a special place to feel safe and loved make such a big difference in my life. We live hectic lives and rarely get the chance to interact on a deeper level but having an animal’s unconditional love and special people who want what’s best for us is priceless.

I hope you also have special people and creatures in your life.